An Awakening

Awakening, a time of rebirth

A moment, a chance to unearth

New beginnings, a fresh start

A journey from within, a work of art

A literal awakening, from deep slumber

The sun rays, a gentle number

Sweeping through the room, a golden hue

A new day, a chance to renew

But an awakening, can also be metaphorical

A realization, a moment so pivotal

A shift in perspective, a change of heart

A transformation, a brand new start

An awakening of the mind

A moment, so hard to find

A new understanding, a different view

A chance to see the world, anew

A journey of awakening, a path to take

A decision, a risk to make

To break free from the chains of the past

And embrace the future, at last

An awakening, a call to action

To rise up, without any distraction

To chase your dreams, with all your might

And bask in the glory, of your own light

So whether it's a literal or metaphorical awakening

Embrace it, with all your being

For it's a chance to start anew

And create a life, that is truly you.

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