Blood Bond

I stare at the hooded figure in front of me. Surprisingly, I am not scared. In fact, I kind of want to laugh. How stupid is this? I mean do people really go out of their way to kill people.

It was Halloween and I’d snuck out of my home in a Joker costume to spend the night with my friends, only to get stuck in a corn maze and now held hostage by some rando who thought it would be amusing to take some innocent kid.

“Well,” I say, trying to think of conversation. My parents always told me if I was kidnapped I’d be sent back straight away because I talk too much but now, in the time where I needed this ‘skill’ the most, I couldn’t think of anything. The psycho doesn’t say anything, they just eerily look down at me. Some people are so weird.

“You have five minutes to convince me not to kill you.”

“That long?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Okay, thanks man.”

“Yeah no prob- hey!”

The psychopath grabs my shoulder, “I am your kidnapper, don’t be thanking me for anything.”

I nodded and shrugged, “Noted.”

They take their arm off my shoulder and hold up an axe. “Wow! That’s big.” I exclaim. The psycho pricks their finger on the tip of it to show me just how menacing and tough they are, “Yeah…and if you can convince me…this won’t be going in the back of your neck.”

I suddenly get a cramp in my neck as they say that. “Hmm okay. That would kinda hurt… like… a lot.”

“Okay so. Why shouldn’t I kill you?”

I look at my feet and shuffle awkwardly. My mind is literally blank and empty. “You know dude, I cannot lie, I don’t actually have a reason.”

I then just stare at the psychopath for a tense thirty seconds before they clear their throat and fold their arms, also shuffling awkwardly. “Um. So what now? Do I just kill you?” They ask. “I mean, you said you would.”

Another awkward thirty seconds pass.


And another.

“You wanna go get a corn dog?” I say.

“Eh what the heck? Sure. Cool costume.”

The psycho wraps their arm around my neck (thank god it wasn’t the axe) and we head out to go and get corn dogs.

The end.

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