Two Fragile Hearts

“Good morning love!”

Mariah shot up but still rubbed her eyes for a second before looking over at Adam.

“Adam?” She asked as she squinted her eyes.

“Yes, hon? Are you okay?”

“Um-“ She started. “Why are you in my house?” She asked him.

“What do you mean? We live here together. This is our house,” He explained.

“Oh no,” She mumbled.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you remember me?”

“I do, Adam,” She explains. “I just don’t remember us. . .falling in love.”

“I-I don't understand. This makes no sense-"

"It's coming back to me," Mariah interrupts. Adam sits down on the bed, letting himself take a breath before she continued.

“I remember everything that we had. I remember us growing up together and being best friends. I remember the time that I was really sick with the flu and my parents were away on business.”

She paused and took his hand into hers. “You took care of me,” She beamed. Adam smiled softly as he thought of that faithful night.

“Yeah and then you asked me why I would do something like that for you and I told you that. . . I loved you for the first time,” Adam spoke softly. “You told me that some things people were just better at being friends and I was heartbroken,” Adam explained.

“I know,” Said Mariah. “And I swear to you, I wanted to be in love with you so badly. I knew that you were a great guy. A guy that would really push himself to his limits for me. But I wasn’t,” She said.

“Yes you were!” Adam argued. “You told me the very next day that we couldn’t be friends because you were in love with me and you were just scared of ruining what we had,” He added.

“That wasn’t me, Adam. That was. . .” She trailed off. “It was the spell,” She finally admitted.

Adam simply stared at her, confusion in his teary eyes. Adam pulled his hand away from her but still looked at her curiously, urging her to finish the rest of the story.

“After you told me that you loved me, I was heartbroken. I know it’s a weird thing to say, but I was. I knew that our friendship would never be the same. You have to understand, Adam, I didn’t want to lose you. I just couldn’t,” She cried. This is when Adam could finally look her in the eye again.

“I don’t know if I want to hear the rest” He admitted.

“I have to finish. You should know after all

of these years together,” She told him. He nodded.

“I didn’t want to lose you and knew that things would never be the same after what happened. I also knew that if I didn’t end up with you, I was going to have a really hard life without any love. I had heard of a fairy. A fairy who could make people fall in love. So I went to her, and that very night, I told her to make someone fall in love. I told her to make me fall in love with you,” Mariah told him. “I knew it was wrong and I didn’t want to hurt you. . . But I knew that one way or another, someone was going to be hurt and I really thought that if the spell worked, neither of us would be heartbroken again.”

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