A Page In A Book

**We are one page in the book of life **

**Every character has shared our strife. **

**We are so smart, some will say **

**Only clever creatures live this way,**

**With barren lands of tired soil **

**Where fires burn and oceans boil. **

**We think our words and language rare, **

**How unique to mark paper with care; **

**As Beetles burrow and carve up trees **

**Moths make lines within the leaves. **

**Bird song cuts and weaves through air **

**Just another signal that they are there. **

**We look around and see our tools,**

**These are not the markings of fools! **

**Screens and cars, hammers and sword**

**Yet Webs and silk and dams ignored.**

**We made a myth to mock a magpie **

**Does anyone even remember why?**

**They steal all things that glow or shine **

**But it’s not the magpie that digs a mine. **

**In your home, your nest, your things **

**How much is shiny? What happiness it brings. **

**The dinosaurs page ends with comet,**

**Ours will talk of greed and profit. **

**We are only one page in the book of life,**

**How many characters are we causing strife? **

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