Writing Prompt
Write a descriptive poem about something poisonous, and its effect on its target. This could be literal or metaphorical.
The snake, in all its beauty, coils around my heart, Its venom, a powerful poison, soon to start. Its gaze, the strongest magnet, pulls me into its den, As I lose myself to its lethal intent.
The toxins drop like honey from its teeth Wrapping itself around me, with no sense of relief Its promises lure me deep into sin Its sweet words set a fire deep within
Yet, like a drug, the snake has me enslaved, Its poison coursing through my veins. I know its danger, I know its sway, But still I find myself in its perilous way.
The serpent’s grip tightens as I grow weak, Its venom, corrupting, no longer so meek. My knowledge, my judgement, they’re fast asleep, As I surrender to the darkness, deep deep deep
Tasting Death
Night falls upon the hour, Painting the manor in blue, I walk through these hallowed halls, Headed to my private room.
I ring the bell inside it twice, Metallic chimes resound, And swiftly comes my tiny maid, With her tiny cart, head bowed down.
She says nothing as she lifts the kettle, Pouring the tea with grace, And once the leaves begin to settle, She dips her head and takes her place.
I lift the cup and smell the gentle scent, Something odd, yet aromatic and pure, I taste it, and smile, finding myself content, But bliss fades quickly, its calm unsure.
I shiver with chills, though the hearth remains bright, My bones ache, fingers numb to the cold, I try to speak, but my head splits with fright, I blink as consciousness begins to fold.
I slump, my chair tipping with my weight, And gravity pulls me to the earth, held tight, Lungs falter, stutter, struggling to inflate, A cruel laugh echoes from the endless night.
My eyes are the only part I still control, For my body is heavy, bound by the unseen, My tongue lies dead, cold, beyond all soul, In this silence, I curse what couldn’t be foreseen.
Heartbeats thud, a quiet, dull roar, My eyes blink slowly, then close once more, A distant clock strikes the midnight hour, And I awaken on night’s Plutonian shore.
Beware of the poison the sickness that looms
Spreading through thin air Just like the flu
Make sure you remain calm and stay in your room
What ever dreamed treasures for the body pure and new Now that I think about it just might too
Even da fruit
Even the juice
Even the work out room
Even the dirt on your shoe
When you run a 5k for a ribbon that’s blue
Maybe poison is good For what needs to be true
Maybe He’s a poison She’s a poison We’s a poison too
So come out come out come out of your room
It was bright red, The apple from the garden Where he laid his head.
His name, a sound that made ladies swoon Brought great women to their knees Turned some to mush too soon For them to realize what transpired What changes were made That the garden bed inspired
“Come, see the earth that lies beneath my feet,” He would say in so many words “I’ll show you a garden full of love, Full of tenderness, care, and everything sweet.”
One-by-one they came For a promise that was bright red A promise that fed them instead, Slowly fed them lies, deception, and emptiness Like a poison strong enough to lure But gentle enough to be obscure
They’ll never know how it happened How they bought into the lies They’ll only know that the red Was so bright it filled their eyes With hope for a love everlasting While the lies he continued casting
But they bit into the apple The promise The poison that left them wanting more That only served to close the door On who they were before. Now lost, abandoned, alone The apple that promised love eternal Rotted their hearts, their lives Rotted them down to the bone.
Your love is a poison a dagger to my heart But letting you yo taking you out means losing my life
Your kisses sear holes in my skin scars and bruises Blood and broken promises
Your eyes burn With shame and pain You wish you could just see what i see
You took a peice of me That i will never get back pushed me away and tore me apart
Your desire Disovling our love peircing the surface But keeping me trapped
Your breath warm though you seem lifeless hollow meaningless words pour from your pale lips
Your love is poison a dart to a board a hole that cant be fixed leaving you always wanting more
Sometimes passion is poison And it tastes so damn good That we willingly swig from it anyway Fully aware of what we’re bringing Upon ourselves
Will it hurt me? Will it kill me? Probably, but as the light fades And the sound dies away, You’ll find me clutching that bottle With the big black X on it.
Smiling the whole way down.
In a world of shadows cast by pain and doubt, Depression's grip on you grows with each passing day out. Two friends, once dear, now gone, leaving you alone, Lost in a world where laughter no longer rings like a chime in your home.
The weight of your body, a source of mocking shame, You starve yourself in secret, a desperate attempt to tame. Clinging to calorie counts as your only guiding light, A battle against your own reflection, a fight without a fight.
Poison The way I view how I feel for you The love that lingers in my veins Like I can’t get rid of you for days
Wishing for the thoughts to stop But hoping for it all to stay Like getting stung with love so deep The poison in my veins still seeps
The love I have for you will stay But the poison will begin to change Slowly killing me like I’m its enemy But needing you to always be with me
I’ll wait for you to take your time Because all I want is for you to be mine Poison in my veins will flow I just need you to help it let go
Living Poison
I think life might be my poison Everyday feels like a dream Hazy and unclear Distorted in every scene Echoing voices with cruel things to say About me and my dreams Choosing to live Wanting to die Two different agendas grappling inside I distract myself With endless stupor Sipping white wine I always want more But one day the pain will catch up to me In vain, I pray agaisnt the reckoning But as this living posion eats me inside I realise I never knew what it’s like to be alive