Writing Prompt
Write a descriptive poem about something poisonous, and its effect on its target. This could be literal or metaphorical.
A love that’s that’s beautiful yet deadly. I stood on the side as you choose her and not me. When I would see you it felt like I couldn’t breathe. You were, are, my poison, the one I need to get rid of and find a cure. But that’s a lie, I can’t move on not when you my sweet poison is my life....
There once was a girl, maybe seven or eight, who played piano. More often than not, you could find her flipping through sheet music, and plucking out melodies with a sunshine smile lighting up her eyes. She loved piano, and piano loved her.
There once was a girl, maybe nine or ten, who played piano. Her mother drove her every Friday to see her piano teacher for a lesson. The girl would rest her h...
Cyanide lullabies flow from mother’s swollen throats,
Blood thicker than Kool-Aid.
Drown their cries with the sound of gunfire.
Those who do not perish under pressure,
Convulse in the grass.
If their brains aren’t already black sponges,
Soaking up the toxins of a madman’s ramblings,
They were dead when they walked through the chapel doors.
He filled their heads with stories of belonging—
One foot ...
A remedy,
My parents.
A cure for all illnesses ,
My parents.
Light for the darkness deep inside,
My parents.
Lenses to see sense in the world,
My parents.
You don’t expect the remedy to be the poison,
Not my parents.
Those lenses that showed you sense?
They are your poison
My parents?
Venom seeping into every notion in your mind,
My parents.
They don’t teach you about dece...
When it happens;
When her lip gloss leaves me sticky,
When her lashes brush my cheeks so perfectly violently,
When her tongue leaves my mouth begging to be filled again,
I feel it.
I feel her.
I feel the pull.
And again.
And again.
I fall.
I fall vulnerable.
I fall so far under her spell that
I can’t stop her until it’s too late;
Until her drug flows down my throat and seeps through my body...
gökyüzünde özgürce süzülürken birden şiddetli bir rüzgârın içerisinde sağa sola savruluyor başını, kuyruğunu, kanatlarının çarptığını hissediyor bir türlü kontrolünü sağlayamıyordu. Birden rüzgâr kesildi ve büyük bir hızla ağaç dallarına çarpa çarpa sert toprak zemine çakıldı. Bir kanadı gövdesinin altında öbür kanadıda açık bir şekil de yerde yatıyordu. Bütün gücünü toplayıp bir anda kalkmak ...
Her words are like poison. They don’t seem to have a big effect at first, but after a while they seep deeper into you. Slowly hurting you. And sometimes, your oblivious to it all.
That’s what Sophie’s like. Such a sweet, innocent name— the perfect cover up for the villain lurking behind all that make-up.
Everyone she’s her as an angel that’s landed amoung the chaos of Beverly High Middle School. ...
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