Last Dream
Two children. Two brothers. They are dreaming again about a world full of pain.
A cruel king watches them and decides what they deserve to have.
The little boy with eyes of blue seas is taken away , far away from his beloved sister and friend. He is taken to the castle where evil eyes free his way. He is told he will be hidding or else they will be dead. Telepathy is forbidden and his strong connection with the mind is broken. Tears are falling bright in the beautiful sunlight. He stays under pressure.
Only one little girl, alone with an empty world. She meets the burning fire in her way, the greater powers want to hurt her again. But, as she is crying rivers of pain, thinking she’ll be drawned of vain, in a miserable dream that someone has craved, the devine lights are with her again. They lead her, on a flying cloud above every city light and she is also being told to hide. They whisper in secret about the cruel king’s plan and they help her, hidding her away, in the skies, blinded with shinny lights to keep her mind warm like a child’s smile.
And these being told, the greater kingdom is calling once more. Nothing hurts more than being away from the sun, in the middle of the storm, at the end of times. And nothing hits harder than realising this is your last dream.