Write a poem from the voice of someone who is worrying about something.
Consider the style and layout of your poem to best reflect your character's emotions and thoughts.
Worry Smorry
Worry worry worry me
In that state, do I be
Feeling feeling feeling of dread
Thoughts rolling over and over in my head
Sweaty sweaty sweaty and wet
Do my palms always get
Knotting knotting knotting up
In this state, is my gut
Squirming squirming squirming are
Worms in my belly that go too far
Moths moths moths taking flight
Now I am losing sight
Controlling, directing, mastering my thoughts
In this web, I am caught
Walking, talking, stalking me
The end of this, will I see?
Yes I say, acknowledging the state
Of this persistent fate
But laugh I do, in its face
I won’t stay in this place
Ha I say, worry you may be
But, you can not take control of me!