"Even the dead tell stories."
Using this as the opening or closing line, try writing a horror or thriller poem.
Nebulaic Discovery(nothing To Do W/prmpt
I’ve written several times about you
Even though I’ve never known who you are
I’ve been seeking and finding
But also definitely ducking and dodging
From finding you my love
I found two beautiful doves that want to fly
God I want to teach them both how to spread their wings
I want you so bad now
I want you in my arms
Between my thighs
And inside my mind
I want you deep mf
As deep as I’m about to get inside you
Apparently your husband still has a picture of me
I fucked with his sex and he can never have it that good
I was the only one that ever made him shudder
Made him tremble in his thighs
Make him quiver and squeal
Beg and peal
Darlin I was hungry
And I could eat all night
Since you haven’t been able to reciprocate
But he’s been your only one
Let me show you baby how much prowess I got
Just in my thumb
I’d like to see your delightful deluge into debauchery
And watch you feel good from the core out
For the first time let me eat you out like a bonfire on 4th of July
Roaring and bright
I’ll have you seeing stars that night