Any storm through & through

In a quaint little town, not far from the sea,

Lived a family with love as bright as can be.

But alas, their happiness was soon to wane,

As the fairy love they had, began to strain.

Once filled with joy and laughter so sweet,

Now replaced with bitterness, none could defeat.

The magic of their love slowly faded away,

Leaving behind a sorrow that seemed to stay.

The parents once held hands, hearts full of glee,

Now turned away, estranged they would be.

The children, once giggling, playing with ease,

Now bore witness to their family's unease.

All that was left was a sense of regret,

For the love that once was, they could not forget.

As the fairy love faded, they had to cope,

With the consequences of shattered hope.

But in the midst of their pain and their strife,

They learned that true love is more than just life.

It's about forgiveness, and learning to heal,

To find strength in each other, to truly feel.

Though the fairy love may have faded away,

Their family endured, stronger each day.

For in the end, it was not the love that defined,

But the bond they shared, unbreakable, kind.

So let this be a lesson, for all to see,

That love is not always as easy as can be.

But with patience and grace, and a heart that is true,

A family can weather any storm, through and through.

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