let it snow

"No, I don't want to go play in the snow. I'm not five years old."

"You don't have to be five to want to be in the snow, baby. It's a magical feeling. Don't you want to experience some magic?"

I looked him in the eye. I had to admit, I really did love my boyfriend. He was always there for me when I was low and hung out for me on both my good and bad days. He got along with my family. He even went out and made me a little care package last month when I was on my period. He was perfect.

I do realize that almost everyone calls their loved ones perfect, but Jonah actually was the true definition of the word. I've seen his flaws--if one could call them that--and I love him because of them, not despite. That's what makes him perfect. He doesn't try to show only the good parts of himself. I've seen the not so pretty parts and they make me love him more.

I look at him now with such a giddy expression on his face. And I cave.

"Alright, fine. Let's go play in the snow," I mutter under my breath, but we both know what's being unspoken between us.

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