Write a story that includes a matchmaker who is always trying to set their friends up.

The whole story doesn't have to be about them, but feature them in a prominent way that flows with the plot.

Operation Cupid

Linda smiled deviously as she looked in the mirror. Today was the day she would enact an intricate scheme she had made. She had a board with all sorts of sticky notes and yarn on it.

It was all because her two best friends had been in love with each other for a very long time, except neither of them could see it. Linda had heard the whole, they can never love me spiel, from both of them, and it drove her nuts. Both of them had made her promise not to tell, so she was stuck in the middle. And then there was the whole Martin fiasco that only complicated things even more.

But today, she was finally going to get them to inadvertently admit their love for each other and get them on a date. She had made plans with the whole group to go to a restaurant. She invited all of their friends and informed them of the plan, each of them eager to help to get the tension over with. When they all arrived at the restaurant, they took their seats at a table with eight chairs, the biggest table at the restaurant.

However, Linda had texted her other two friends to get there 10 minutes later, as she had made a different reservation at a different table for the two of them. They were so confused when they got there, because they were at a table for two, their friends no where in sight. Linda was hoping that being alone together in a romantic setting would be enough, but she was taking no chances. She told the waiter to act like he thought that were a couple on a date. And if that wasn’t enough, she was going to order one dessert with two spoons for them. Those two lovebirds were getting together today, no matter what.

Linda and her other friends thoroughly enjoyed their night out, laughing at all of the awkward tension that the two must be going through at that moment. They finished the night, Linda going through each of the steps to her plan, which she called Operation Cupid.

The next day, she met up with the her friends in the park, but when Linda got there, they were all giving her a knowing look. Linda asked what was happening and the two friends thanked her for the date, but said that they had secretly been dating for months. And what was worse, was that the other friends knew about it, and let her go through with her scheme anyways. And that was the last time Linda ever decided to play matchmaker. (And she got them back in a prank war afterwards, especially for all the messing with her that they did. Seriously, who tells their friend not to tell the other about a crush, when they were secretly dating! It was deliberately messing with her)

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