Write a story that includes a nested narrative.
Use a narrative structure where multiple stories are told within a larger story. The inner stories can be told in any order, and they may or may not be directly related to the larger story.
She is but a little princess
With a circlet round her head
Born into this noble station
No idea what’s ahead
So she reads the hallowed stories
Of the royals gone before
Kings and Queens long since passed on
Leaving life’s wisdom in store
She reads the tale of Noble Richard
Leading troops into the war
How he taxed the wealthy people
To support the starving poor
Queen Violetta, smart as any
Decreed that girls may go to school
Who preached a love of education
And would not suffer any fool
And the brave Princess Katrina
Risked her life for her small town
She herself fought off the scoundrels
Who had sworn to burn it down
But then she reads of other stories
From monarchs not so strong and true
Her little heart fair swoons and falters
Under the weight of what they do
A king who ruled with an iron fist
And threw the destitute in jail
One who slew a thousand men
Who pled with him to no avail
A queen with slaves from distant lands
Whom she treated worse than dirt
One who threw away tax dollars
On bright new corsets and skirts
The poor princess sits and wonders
Is she doomed to be the same?
Is cruelty and corruption
Inevitable in this game?
But no, she has decided
If it is her fate to reign
She will use her power nobly
And end this line of pain