Fragrant Flashbacks

Today has felt like nostalgia

The rain spoke to me

Mid evening

She listened

Felt as though my side is something she would never be leaving

The muggy after taste of her presence lingers on my lips

Making me recall all the conversations I’ve ever heard and said

I realize I have been left starved of love

Like I’ve never been fed

Maybe this rain will quench my thirst

Or lead me astray

Have me left cursed

Either way if she ever has to leave me I hope she leaves peacefully

instead of with just a piece of me

Maybe the angels are crying for me

Maybe today was my day of acknowledgement

To have the earth grieve for me

What a beautiful sight

To see

To smell

To feel

Feel the rain cascade down my skin as I surrender to something greater than myself

Earth you have permission to take me

Not just a part of me

But all of me

For I want to be one with you

For this mere mortal existence is nothing but untrue

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