Blocked and Deleted

My scratched knees glisten in the sunrise.

Long was the night,

Cruel was the dream,

Far is my safe place.

My bruised elbows pierce the peaceful air.

Hard was the fight,

Strong was my scream,

Lost is my grace.

My burning lips bite through the icy river.

Small was the light,

Harsh was the beam,

Sad is my face.

My reckless heart is singing hymns of glory.

Gone is my knight,

Cold, unredeemed,

Was his embrace.

So, Charming Prince, I guess you know the story,

The Princess is no longer yours,

I got your message, you were saying “sorry”?

“Don’t leave, my love, don’t close all doors!”

Well, I deleted it, of course,

And blocked you too with no remorse.

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