Desperately trying to fit in, your character agrees to go on an 'initiation night' with their peers, but the games and rituals start to get very realistic...

Continue the story. You could set this at a school/college, new workplace, sports club, etc.

The Team

It’s my first day as a junior in high school at my new school and my first day of tryouts for the volleyball team. I moved to this school because I was bullied I’m really shy. I’ve tried out every year and never made the team at my old school. The coach told me it’s because I don’t play year round like most of the girls so I’m not that good and I’m not as tall as them. I’m pretty sure it’s because they didn’t like me. I love playing and I have a good feeling about this year, new school, new me, equals a fresh start.

We start warm ups, stretching and running, I feel good I’m ready to play. Tryouts start I set the ball perfectly, my serves are on point, and my spikes...powerful. I got this I’m going to make the team this year. After tryouts a tall beautiful strawberry blonde walks over to me and says “Hey I’m Sam I’m the head captain. You did pretty good today, some of the new girls are coming to my house tonight you should come. It’s a tradition for all the newbies to be introduced to the varsity team before we decide who makes the team.” A party or get together sounds fun, I don’t have any friends here so why not. Maybe it will help me make the team. “Sure I’ll come tonight”

I arrive to Sams house and the varsity girls and newbies are there. Sam welcomes us all and says there is a test we have to pass in order to join the team. The first test she asks us to take a shot of liquor. I’ve never drank before but I don’t want to look stupid if I don’t do it. One freshman girl said she wouldn’t do it so Sam signaled to another tall varsity girl and she took the freshman to a different room. It was my turn to drink and it smelled a little weird and had a unusual green color. I plug my nose and drink it. It tasted horrible, like chemicals.

I feel a little dizzy but I’m not going to chicken out. Next Sam says “Your test is now to cut your wrist and drain your blood in this cup. The varsity team will drink it and this will make us close and become one, like sisters.” Ew that’s a little gross and weird but I’m determined to be apart of this team. I take this decorative dagger with interesting writing on it. It kind of looks like Viking lettering. I cut my wrist and begin draining my blood and boy did that hurt. Two more girls back out and they get taken away to that same room. Sam and the team drink up the blood and they have such a weird enjoyment out of it.

Sam says the last and final phase we have to get naked and dance in her backyard. I don’t know how I feel about all this. I don’t have that great of a body and things are getting weirder and weirder. Then I hear a scream from the room the girls were being taken to and before I can ask about it Sam calmly says she has a bird that sometimes like to scream to get attention. Odd, but I’ve seen videos of birds doing that. I take a deep breath and take my clothes off because playing on a volleyball team has always been my goal and dreams.

As I’m stepping out on the back porch to start my little dance. I see a tall maybe beastly thing, whatever it is it’s scary. I remember reading about a demonic beast called Jötunn, and it looks just like it giant deer body with a headless human for a head and massive antlers. I try to run away and scream but I can’t move it’s like I’m paralyzed. Maybe it’s the drink that’s not allowing me to move. The Jötunn slowly stalks towards me and bends down so the headless body hand touches my naked body. I begin to feel a burning sensation on my thigh and a brand of Viking like writing appears.

All the fear that I felt and the paralyzing sensation just disappears and is replaced with this need for blood. It feels like the Jötunn is speaking to me, telling me to kill. Then I see it all the girls that backed out of the test. Tied and gaged like a beautiful Christmas present just for me. Sam places a hand on my new brand and says “Do what calls. Kill them and bath in there mouthwatering blood.” She hands me that same decorative dagger and I begin slicing and dicing in there exquisite skin. It’s a master piece that Michelangelo would be proud of. Sam stands in the distance smiling like a proud parent and mouths you made it to the team. I did it I made the team and most of all I have sisters now. I feel whole or is it full from this delicious flesh and blood.

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