Create a scene depicting the approach of a thunderstorm, without mentioning the sky.

What other elements feel different when a storm is approaching?

The Delivery

Out of all days, I picked this one to wear my new Tommy Bahama shirt and these cheap dollar store flip-flops. And I forgot my umbrella.

I have 20-seconds to get out of my car and cross this large parking lot to surprise everyone with coffee and donuts at my 6 a.m. AA meeting before it starts.

Again! I’m scared. My body reacts with a sudden jolt. Another echoing and vibrating “B-O-O-M-M-M!” sound could be heard for miles as if a bomb went off.

Another “BOOM!” A more sharp scratchy bomb sound this time but much closer.

I’ve gotta compose myself and do this quick.

This was to be expected. It’s still dark outside and those strong tropical winds up from Mexico, mentioned a few days ago on the news, are now here push-tilting my old car to one side. Breaching the window-ends with a whistling sound. We’ve never had such weather in this desert region of Southern California.

Thousands of rain drops begin to machine-gun pelt the roof and hood.

It’s a good thing I didn’t park next to those tall trees or that single light pole at the center of this church lot.

Ugh! It’s now time to exit this vehicle and dart across theparking lot without slipping on the asphalt and spilling this hot coffee.

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