"Amidst the roaring applause, a silent tear fell, reflecting the untold story she could never tell."
Write a story that concludes with this line.
A girl sat in her room, hearing air raid sirens going off again. Discrimination against Jews is getting stronger. The girl knows what she has to do. She rushes to her bathroom and dyes her hair blonde, putting on blue eye contacts. She got them from a cheap prank store and is not even sure they will work. If they don’t, it might cost her life.
Music flows out of a back road; a jazz club is hidden in the back. During her break, the singer brushes her blonde hair softly. She blinks and sets her blue eye contacts. No one can know her secret; who she was. The singer goes back out on stage and sings about the war but is careful
not to engage in her past life. Her singing is not the best but she sings her heart out tonight for the money she can get. At the end, everyone stands and claps.
Admits the roaring applause, a silent tear fell, reflecting the untold story she could never tell.