The bookstore

The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today if felt different, almost magical like the air in the bookstore had a tingle to it tasting slightly sour. The atmosphere seemed calm but tense like a calm before a storm, but also safe and protective. My multi colored eye one aqua one purple scanned the store looking for its owner, but she was no where to be found. ‘She must be in the back.’ I thought and I walked up and down the isles of many fascinating books. I stopped at the end of one of the isles as I had found what I had come in here for. A book I had been waiting for almost two years to come out write by the one and only Noura Black.

“Ah I see you found it.” A female voice chuckled from behind me, “ and I was just going to call you too sense she just delivered them today…Ah well your here now so that’s all that matters.”

“Rift!” I almost trip over my own two feet in my excitement until I caught what the young store owner had said. “Wait she delivered Them? She who?” I asked

Laughing as she caught my arm to steady me her bright and deep golden brown eyes sparked in knowing. “Why Noura herself of course.”

Getting my bearings from my near fall I looked at the slightly taller woman with awe as she started to walk away. “Are you kidding me?!” I replied my mouth dropping open as I looked at Rift in disbelief.

She turned the look back at me. “What?” She asked trying to hold in an amused look no doubt she found the look on my face quit funny.

“Noura Black delivered these Books herself?” I asked looking at the book in my hand then back at Rift who nodded in reply with a an amused smile plastered on her face. I crossed my arms holding the book in question close to my chest giving the bookstore owner a sceptic look. “I find that hard to believe.”

Rift could no longer had her full amusement as she chuckled out her reply “ What?… Why is that so hard to believe?” She started to walk behind the check out counter her long braided Brown and and grayish hair swaying with ever confident step.

“Why would one of the worlds best Writers deliver her own books to any bookstore let alone a small locally owned one?” I fallowed Rift to the counter.

Rift put a hand on her hip. “Don’t think a small bookstore is worth a big writers attention?” She asked with one eyebrow raised.

I shook my head putting the book in my arms in on the counter. “That’s not what I meant… what I meant was she a famous writer she must be busy.” I replied digging my wallet out of my bag.

Rift nodded in understandment. “She is a busy lady more then she should be at times I believe but I will tell you this,” her smile grew as she grabbed book. “This is the only shop she visits in her free time.”

Looking up from my bag I tilted my head to the side in question. “Really why?” I asked.

“She uses to own this Bookstore,” seeing my shocked face my best friend of 10 years smiled “I guess I never told you but Noura not only use to own the store but she is also so my godmother. She gave me this place to me to take care of so she could finish her first book…,” Rift looked lost in thought like she was forgetting something as she looked down at the copy Noura’s newest back that I had picked out. “Oh that’s right.” She mused picking up the book and pitting under the counter and pulling out another book. This one was wrapped with a waxed sealed note tied to it “This copy is for you already payed for and before you say any thing … I didn’t pay for it Noura did. Said something about for the bookstores number one patron.” Rift gave me a small wink with a small and before I could reply to anything she had said she shooed me out of the store with a “Have a Good night Pyra.” as it was late and she was ready to close up.

— — —

Rift waved at her friend Pyra as the shorter woman began to walk home. Once Pyra was out of sight Rift flipped her open sigh to closed looked the door and closed the store front window before taking a deep breath and sighing as she walked to shut off the house light and heading to her loft apartment atop the store. When walked in to her living room she frowned as she stared at her godmother and a figure by her big picture window. “She has a right to know.” She voiced in almost a protesting tone.

Noura’s Sky blue eyes met the younger woman’s golden orbs and smiled “I know dear how did she like the gift?” She asked as the male figured shifted.

“By the look of awe other face I would say she loved it.” Rift replied as she sat down Beside Noura laying one hand one the back of the couched crossing her legs. Her aura dark and unhappy make it clear the the other two in the room how she felt and about the whole situation. “But that’s not the matter at hand is it Michel.” Rift Glared at the man by her window who sighed and turned to look at the two women.

“You know we can’t tell her yet Hatter.” He rasped looking over the rim of his glasses. “And you of people should know why we can’t being the one who had to kill her brith parents.”

Their eyes locked at the mention of Rift’s past actions. Michels grin faded as Rifts aura grew reminding him of who’s home he was in and what she was capable of. The messenger needed to be careful with his words and his actions but it was so easy to tick Rift off and to him it was almost amusing to watch her sit there and try to control her discontent, but he also know he could only push her so far before she made her regret missing with her as evident of the scars that ran down his right eye and around his neck.

Noura cleared her throat to brake the tension between the two. Her aura beginning to drown Rifts out. “Now now,” Noura’s voice was sickly sweet as she spoke causing the other two to flinch ever so slightly. “We are not here to fight among ourselves we are allies after all and friends before that.” She looked at the pair as Michel crossed his arms. Just as she was about to continued another figured appeared in front of the three.

“Yes Noura you are correct and to turn on each other would wound us greatly as we are at war and our enemy would take advantage of this discontent if he were to see it.” The voice of the figure boomed in the room causing Rift to whence.

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