
8-8-2022 3:06 pm

I think this is it.

I do not understand how, but I thank God that He gave me someone that understands me to confide in.

I cannot keep all this pent up emotion to myself any more.

It has been way too long since I have genuinely felt heard.


It is a much needed breath of fresh air.

8-29-2022 5:27 am

I did not sleep at all last night.

He found out I was crying and he let me talk through what I was upset about.

It feels nice to be comforted.

I only wish we lived closer.

I feel like I portray myself much better in person than through small letters on a screen.

He is a very kindhearted person.

But I am not sure how much to trust him with yet.

9-18-2022 9:22 am

He is the sweetest person I know.

We are both interested in making music.

I have been able to get some great advice and support from him, and I adore his own projects.

We have been talking more as of lately; getting to know each other better.

I have not met anyone else quite like him.

I am beyond thankful I have a friend in him.

10-2-2022 3:45 pm

Our night calls get longer every month.

He is trying to get me to watch a show that he likes.

I do not like it as much as he does.

Though i do enjoy watching it with him.

We have also been sharing our favorite music pieces from different creators.

A lot of songs are beginning to remind me of him.

10-16-2022 3:01 am

He gives me a sense of happiness that i have not felt in a while.

I do not want to burden him with my faults and troubles, and i am trying to work on myself to be a better person.

I am not sure how i was so lucky to have met him.

Laughing at his antics is my favorite part of my days.

2-9-2023 5:30 pm

I have trusted him with a big portion of my problems. He has been so accepting and understanding of me. i can hardly believe that this is legitimate.

One of my friends found out and she will not stop pestering me about it.

I just cannot help but smile every time she brings it up.

I hope one day i can go out to see him.

3-15-2023 1:26 pm

he's going through a rough time.

i hate to know that he's not alright, and that i can't be there to offer any physical support.

it's been a while since i've gotten or given a hug.

i hope he feels better.

i can't do much.

i'm not amazing with words.

but i hope the fact that i care deeply about him speaks more than pixels on a screen ever will.

8-30-2023 3:05 pm

i'm dumbfounded.

i told him so many things that important people in my life have done to me.

They've insulted and emotionally degraded me with Their words for far longer than i was able to hande it, and i still struggle with that same sensitiveness to harsh words.

he knows that.

i told him.

he said he couldn't believe they'd do such a thing.

he cheered me up.

and he did the same thing that They did.

i feel horrible.

perhaps he didn't mean it.

i know he didn't mean it.

i'm just in a bad mood.

that must be why it made me upset.

i fear if i say anything about it that he will feel guilty.

i don't want him to feel that way.

it'll be fine.

9-20-2023 4:20 pm

i don't know how to feel about it.

our texts have-


he's not exactly as sweet as he was before.

he still makes me happy.


it feels different.

i've been crying more often.

sometimes i just feel like a burden.

i don't want to worry him though.

i'm sure it's nothing.

12-7-2023 5:40 pm

he's gone back to calling me the nicknames he used to call me.

i'd be lying if i said i didn't love it.

we don't talk as much, but i suppose it's just been a busy month for everybody.

i continue to pray he is okay.

12-8-2023 12:23 pm

he continues to make me upset.

i know he doesn't mean it.

but it doesn't take away from the fact that it still hurts.

2-11-2023 4:25 pm

Another petty argument.

It's draining at this point.

We move past it with no difficulty once all is said and done, but-

It's been happening more often.

I don't know if it's my fault or not.

I can't help but feel guilty.

12-12-2023 7:06 am

I can't stay too mad at him.

He's done too much for me.

We have been talking more this past week.

Something still seems different.

I've been getting more irritated lately as well.

I hope i'm not making him feel bad.

It's not his fault I've been in a bad mood.

But, there are some things about him that have started to bother me more.

I still cry over those things.

12-13-2023 11:34 am

Confrontation is a nasty thing.

It has hurt my relationships with family, and it has shown through to do the same thing with others.

Not only this, but I was right.

Things *had* changed.

I did not even know it.

So many wasted, unmutual words and feelings.




Memories I do not want to keep.

Songs I do not want to listen to anymore.

I think this is it.

Change is a nasty, yet needed part of life.

It hurts.

So much.

I am honestly and wholeheartedly sorry.

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