Inspired by Niki

Create a poem set on an empty beach, where you are left at peace with your thoughts.

An Empty Beach

My mind is slowing from coming and going As far away as I can see it’s just the ocean laughing gulls and me A deep sense of calm followed as well As I unpacked a blanket a book and a bell This ritual of drumming singing and dance Soon I felt the music in my body I’ve entered a trance Swaying and moving my body is free And here on the beach I can totally be me I’m flawed I’m damaged and worn from the years Of fighting depression anger and fears But here I release it my emotions and me I wipe away tears and gaze at the sea I’m alive because of an empty beach And all the wisdom it does teach Now I’m done drumming and ringing my bell I gather my things and breath the ocean air to remember it’s smell I turn my back to the water and bid farewell My empty beach as the sun fell Full of emotions and a smile on my face Alone at the ocean my special place
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