Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.
He Looks Different These Days
Taking a walk in the rain was one of my favorite things to do. I'd put on my favorite hoodie and just walk. I used to love the way the rain sounds on the sidewalk. To feel it dampen my hair and how it rolls down my skin. I used to think it'd be just as peaceful to die while walking in the rain as to die while sleeping. I don't think it's peaceful to die in the rain anymore.
The last time I walked in the rain there was a man-shaped figure in a long coat and holding an umbrella a few yards behind me. When he got closer I saw that his eyes were sunken into his head. He looked frail as if the faintest of breezes could make him topple yet he stood strong in the wind of the storm. A butterfly resting on his finger hid from the rain under his umbrella. The wings of the vivid blue butterfly seemed to grow dimmer as I stared at it. I was frozen in place watching the tiny thing shrivel up till it was nothing but a free useless corpse.
“Hello Grim. You look different these days.” “Well, carrying the souls others steal isn't great for the skin.” “Has someone finally come to take mine?” The reaper looked almost joyful as he nodded. “I’ve carried dozens of the souls you've stolen. Now I get to carry yours. I promise I won't be kind to it.”