The Fallen (part 5)

(This took so long lol sry about that.)

_Nova walks along the pathway, a bridge across the ocean. Her brother is up ahead and she begins to run. “Nova?” Raindrop says with a hopeful smile and a light in his eyes._

_But then he begins to cry and the smile drops. Nova realizes his wings are torn and suddenly he’s much taller than her, or maybe she’s suddenly shrunk, and he’s looking down in anger and disgust. “I thought you would protect me.” His voice is strange and angry. Nova can’t help him._

_She is so small._

_“Raindrop! I’m so sorry! I never meant to hurt you!” Suddenly he’s laughing and it shakes the world. _

_When he catches his breath he yells, “that’s all you ever do, don’t you!?” He’s still laughing and the bridge starts crumbling. “I hate you I hate you I hate you!”_

_Nova falls into the water, suffocating, trying to swim to the surface. In a dazed horror she sees the broken bodies of Mateo and Flair and… Mama drifting down, blood seeping from their wounds._

_She dives to grab them but she can’t, she’s not strong enough. She’s not fast enough._

_All she can do now is try to get to the surface._

_Reaching up, beating her arms and legs, dead bodies all around her. Ones she recognizes and ones she doesn’t. Except when she thinks hard she does know them. Her old teacher from two years ago that taught her how to draw. The little kid that walks with his sister each morning. She even sees the storyteller that was born with only one wing._

_All of them are dying. All of them and it’s her fault!_

_She can’t breathe. So close! Her lungs are about to explode! She can’t-_

I gasp for air, awakening with a start.

The dream slips away from my memory almost immediately, leaving only a sense of dread and sadness. But more than that, just a painful feeling of loneliness.

Flair and Mateo are still sleeping in the same room as me. I still haven’t figured out clocks completely, but the one here say 5:48 AM. Is that early for these people? Probably. The whole house is quiet and moonlight shines in from a window.

I’m tired. So tired.

I wonder if Flair and Mateo have ever felt this deep aching sadness. I wonder if anyone in this house has. I can’t sleep, I picture Raindrop, the fear in his eyes when I saw him that last time.

Sighing, I stand up and look through the window. Gentle rain pitter-patters against the glass. I breathe in, and out. In for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four. It’s a trick my mom taught me to calm myself down. It doesn’t work. I try to quietly open the door, but it creaks loudly. Mateo stirs, but flair is still fast asleep.

I freeze and wait, but then Mateo just rolls over and keeps sleeping. Slowly… one step at a time… quietly… gently closing the door behind me, I emerge into the dining room.

I wonder if this is another mind trick.

Maybe nothing is real anymore.

Not me, nor Raindrop.

I walk back into my room, slowly closing the door behind me. This place scares me. I don’t want to find something I shouldn’t.

I lay down, knowing I won’t be able to go back to sleep.

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