Write a scene in which two characters have very different emotions about the same thing.
E.g. One character could be very happy after finding something out, whilst the other is sad about it.
A Beautiful Piece🖤NTP
A beautiful piece🖤
It’s almost my turn.
Like a lingering worry, The thought of being up on the podium hangs over me.
The feeling of dread
Like a disease, it multiplies as each second passes.
But they call me up anyway.
Like dust on the floor, I’m swept into
this darkness.
I walk up to the stage slowly.
Like a cat hunting, I’m careful with every step I take.
The audience is completely full.
Like at a social gathering, faces are everywhere I look.
I read the first line.
Like someone watching their favorite show, they begin to intensely watch me
I read the next line
Like steadfast listeners, their eyes won’t leave mine
So I finish the poem.
Like honeybees in the late spring, a millennium of cheers, claps and hoots swarm the room.