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Salt has been used for years to ward off evil. But as the oceans are drained and filtered to be made drinkable, the evil that was trapped there is unleashed.
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Theres Like No Salt And A Big Fish
There was bo salt, there was no fish there was only the Leviathan. It was the year 2157 A.D. when the Westle Bottling company decided to buy the ocean. It was the only source of water large enough to support interstellar travel. Little did they know that the real exploration to be done was in the Oceans. The first signs came several years later after all the plastic was removed that is when the song began. It started low at first and was only detected by Westle company deep sea recycling company. By the time all the ocean garbage had been thrown into the sun the song was so loud that all humans had to be relocated to Mars. After that only robots lived on the earth, they were the only ones who could see the the leviathan. They didn’t care it wasn’t in there programing to, all they did was filter the salt that imprisioned it. The enderoni