Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
Is It Worth It ?
Is it even worth it?
To live and die, to even breath and try
Does it make me any less of a man if sometimes I can’t help but cry
Or lose touch with reality and ponder why?
What if the day comes when I can no longer provide for you
Or see you in a bad mood and get a smile out of you
What if I can’t keep those thoughts out of my head,
And unintentionally suck the life out of of you
Is it worth it then
To freely ride or die, to cheat and lie
What if i abused tequila and drugs instead of you
Stumbling home late without a couch because of you
What if I decided to choose myself over you
And no matter what I decide could make you blue
This isn’t a suicide letter either
I’m just simply wondering
What would you do ?