In the heart of a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young women named Elara. She was known for her kindness, her captivating smile, and her deep love for the forest that surrounded their homes. From a young age, Elara felt a connection to the ancient trees, the whispering winds, and the mysterious creatures that dwelled within.
But as fate would have it, Elara’s life was...
Chapter 1 The Neon Haven
In the heart of the city, where the neon lights dances like restless spirits in the night, Jake and Alex found solace in their sanctuary- the dimly lit bar on the corner of 7th and main. It was their haven, where the clinking of glasses drowned out the cacophony of the outside world.
Seated at their usual spot, Jake leaned in, his voice low, carrying an air of secrecy ...
Is it even worth it?
To live and die, to even breath and try
Does it make me any less of a man if sometimes I can’t help but cry
Or lose touch with reality and ponder why?
What if the day comes when I can no longer provide for you
Or see you in a bad mood and get a smile out of you
What if I can’t keep those thoughts out of my head,
And unintentionally suck the life out of of you
Is it worth it...