The sound of his laughter echoed through the room, but his eyes remained cold and distant.
It’s Giving Coping
“You’ve got nothing to say? I’m leaving you!”
Angela asked with a shocked expression.
Drew only continued laughing, tears rolling down his reddened face.
“You’re a real piece of work, Drew!”
The woman scoffed at the man and shuffled around in her purse to get her keys, “I’m leaving! Don’t you have anything to say? Anything at all?”
Angela glared at the man, who seemed to be miles away. The sound of his laughter echoed in the flat, but his eyes remained cold and distant.
And then she was gone. Like a flower, which opened in the warmth of day — its beauty closed and hidden in the cold of the moonlight.
Drew laughed and wept a while longer after she’d left. He soon realized the actual absurdity of the situation was driving him mad. Wiping his eyes dry, he dug the little box from his pocket and flipped it open. The ring was one of a kind, made by a renowned jeweler who’s works were each worth a small fortune.
Though his heart was broken, he laughed at bit more — having been abondoned on the day that he’d intended on promising Angela forever. The irony was too great for Drew to quantify, and, after another brief burst of laughter, he tossed the ring into the bin — and put on evening tea.
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