By Joshua Coleman @ Unsplash

Your neighbour has put up some halloween decorations, but you're worried about how realistic the skeletons are...

5 Days Before Halloween


This Halloween is going to be absolutely insane! My mum and I made some ghosts today and Dad hung them around the house, so it looks very atmospheric. But honestly, I am more impressed by the decorations of our neighbours. The house looks like the colours faded and there is a spider web and stuff like that, it probably took them much time and effort to make it look like that. Probably they are huge fans of Halloween! The most impressive thing is the skeletons on top of their roof, I have goosebumps every time I see them!

Gotta go now, need to make a pumpkin pie with my mum!


I love preparations for Halloween, but today was a boring one, had to clean the house! Mum and I cleaned the first floor, mostly the kitchen because we cooked a lot yesterday and got tired so we left all the stuff on the tables. We also went to the shop with my dad, ‘cause we needed to buy sweets for treats and the pumpkin. I saw the neighbours’ house again and they moved the skeletons from the top a bit lower, looks even cooler, but I don't understand where they find the energy to make all these changes, they must be very hardworking people!

I'm tired now so I'll probably go to sleep!


The neighbours moved the skeletons again and now they’re on our fence! I asked my mum if she knew why they move them every day, but she said that I'm imagining things. Did she not notice what happened to them all these days? And I haven't seen our neighbours coming in or out during the day, maybe they are playing vampires and moving them at night?

Mum calls me, gotta go!


I'm becoming scared of these skeletons, they are now in our garden and look so real. I asked both my mum and my dad this time, but they didn't listen and told me to stop distracting them from Halloween preparations! How do they not notice that the skeletons were somehow transported from the neighbours’ roof to our garden? Maybe it's just a joke my parents and our neighbours did to add “Halloween spirit”?

Need to think about it, will be back tomorrow.


It's Halloween and I'm in a panic. Today at breakfast I wanted to come downstairs but bumped into one of the skeletons on our stairs. I didn't see or hear from my parents today at all. They could be downstairs, but I'm scared to go there. It's 18:34 and it's dark already. I don’t think I can fall asleep tonight. I'm still hoping the neighbours will come and collect them because Halloween will be over, right? My hands are shaking and I'm sitting in my room with closed doors. I want to see my parents more than ever!

Hope to get back to this diary tomorrow, but now I'll try to watch some movies and hopefully fall asleep. “Happy” Halloween.

This diary was found in the house of a family of 3 people, who were murdered on the night of Halloween. The parents of a girl were in the kitchen when the killer hit them. Their bodies were covered in pumpkin pie. The girl’s, their daughter’s, body was found under her bed with the key of the room in her mouth. Police informed that the mentioned “neighbours” were a couple that were lost in 1978, and their bodies weren't found. The house stayed untouched for 44 years.

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