Butterfly Wings

Tabitha loved to tell stories. In school she received all A’s. Tabitha saved butterfly wings. She cared for everyone.

One day she argued with a girl at school. Then later that day she made an appointment to talk it out. “Jenna, can we talk?” she asked.

“After school come over to my house.” said Jenna.

“I’ll be there.” said Tabitha.

After school Tabitha strolled to Jenna’s house and knocked on the door. “Is Jenna home?” she asked the lady who answered the door.

“Jenna is at ballet.” said the lady.

“We planned to meet after school today.” said Jenna.

“Try again tomorrow. I’m Jenna’s mom, you may call me Mrs. Spacey.”

“Thank you Mrs. Spacey. See you tomorrow!” said Jenna thinking she’s a nice lady.

The next day at school Tabitha saw Jenna talking to other girls, but didn’t have time to confirm the appointment that Tabitha made with Jenna’s mom. Well, I’ll go to Jenna’s house anyway. This is all happening in a weird way thought Tabitha.

After school Tabitha went to Jenna’s house and knocked on the door. Mrs. Spacey answered the door. “Tabitha, welcome. Jenna is in her room. I’ll ask her to come out here.”

Jenna came to the foyer. “Thanks for coming over Tabitha. Sorry I forgot I had ballet.”

“I came to say I’m sorry for arguing with you the other day at school.” explained Tabitha.

“Arguing? Oh I already forgot about that.” said Jenna.

“Can we be friends?” asked Tabitha.

“Of course.” said Jenna. “I mean let’s go to my room and hang out. How long can you stay?”

“I can stay for an hour then I need to go home for dinner.” said Tabitha.

They played cards and video games and talked about teenage things. When Tabitha left she left a laminated set of butterfly wings in Jenna’s room.

The next day, Jenna looked for Tabitha in the lobby at school. Tabitha entered the door and Jenna skipped to her singing a song. “Tabitha, you left these in my room.”

“I collect butterfly wings, and I give them to my my special friends.” said Tabitha.

“Aww, thank you. You made my day.”

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