
Its a normal day. Well- as normal as days have been for five months.

Im shopping at the local market, piling boxes of cake mix and brownie mix into the cart.

We are having a Christmas Party at my sisters house next week, and im on dessert duty.

I walk to the next aisle over, grabbing every color of icing and sprinkles there is.

“Are you planning on eating all of that yourself?” A familiar voice asks from behind me.

I dont have to look to know who it is. I flinch at the alien sound of his voice, one i havent heard in a long time. It feels like im swaying suddenly, and the world is spinning around me.

I turn around to face him, and all i can say is, “Nuh uh. They uh, are for a party.”

I look down, unable to stare into his stormy blue eyes.

He gently grabs my wrist, suprising me into looking up at him. His eyes are pleading, and im suddenly aware of how hard his hands are shaking.

“Are you okay?” I ask, concerned. He shakes his head, “Im fine.” He says shakily. I furrow my brows. “Liar.” I say, in a normal voice. As if this is normal. As if both of us arent falling apart right in front of eachother. Right here in the icing isle.

It feels like the hole in my chest is widening, threatening to swallow me.

“𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦. Im sorry. Im so sorry.“ he begs. I dont have to ask what he is pleading for.

I drop the icing and sprinkles to the ground with a “THUD.“

I pull his shoulders to me, pulling him into a hug, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Stay.“ I whisper.

“I will. I promise,“ he replies. The desperation in both of our voices is obvious, and i know this time he will.

(i know this is 326 words but i dont even care.)

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