Submitted by Ek
Your doctor lies to you about your failing health.
What happens next? In what way does their lie affect your future?
Submitted by Ek
Your doctor lies to you about your failing health.
What happens next? In what way does their lie affect your future?
I really liked the story! It really conveyed the addictions people have with social media, which I loved. The pace was good as it was quick, like the thoughts going through the characters head.
As Tom said, I would have liked to get to know the character a bit better. I think that it would help the reader connect with the character.
Love the message behind this, Rick. I thought it was a really clever ending to paint such a bleak diagnosis in such a positive way. Very original.
You told us quite a few things about the character throughout the piece - they had problems with their sister etc - but I didn’t really get to know much about their personality, their hopes, their wishes, their passions etc. It would have been cool to paint a bit more of a picture of who they are so we can relate even more with them.
Pace was good. I feel like it was fast paced which echoed the urgency of the piece. Keep up the good writing :)