There are five hidden words in this word search. Can you find them and then write a story that includes at least three of them?

Another Ordinary Day ( Week In The Country)

Most of the forth day was spent outside. Shane asked for some help in the garden and we did help but when it came to the watering part it just turned in to a water fight. Draya and I retreated to the shade of a big tree in the yard while my friends sprayed each other with the hose. I don’t think Shane minded too much as long as the plants didn’t get trampled and they didn’t accidentally rip them out of the ground or something like that he didn’t care. Draya and I couldn’t hold back our laughter when all my friends along with their boyfriends came out sopping wet and splotched with mud and dirt. All of them went into the house to clean up and change. After they were all in clean dry clothes we all decided to go on a hike. Throughout the hike Shane was pointing out the different trees and the ways to tell them apart. We also engaged in a game of I-Spy all the way down the incline until we reached the ravine at the bottom. When we peered over the rim we could see that there was a lot of trash at the bottom which was sad. There were tires and empty plastic containers laying there discarded. I sighed at the sight. We crossed over the ravine using one of the many trees lying over and spanning the gap. It wasn’t a long way down but you still didn’t want to fall so balance was key when crossing. Thankfully we all made it across. We took the road back to Shane’s house. It was sunset by the time we got there and we were hungry but didn’t feel like cooking so we all drove into town and went to Pizza Hut for dinner and Shane said that he would pay for it. We had lots of pizza and bread sticks and went through three pitchers of coke. We listened to a Johnny Cash CD on the way back. All 11 of us were able to fit into Shane’s Chevy Express passenger van that he got from a friend who just didn’t want it any more and just gave it to him for free and he wasn’t about to turn down a free vehicle. When we got back we decided to watch young Frankenstein and Dracula dead and loving it. I was afraid that Draya would be annoyed about Dracula dead and loving it because it seemed that most vampires in modern media annoyed her or at least the inaccuracies did but thankfully she was laughing along with the rest of us. We all went to bed happy and content that night.

THE END the story continues in the story titled Reminiscing ( Week In The Country)

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