I Don't Like Prince Charming

"Hello? Is anyone up there?"

Stupid boys. Always trying to hide here or save some foreign princess. I use my gruff man voice.

"Leave me and my 27 cats alone, you hobo!"

I peek from the window and see the boy's face change. He is frozen, unable to move. Then makes a run for it. Serves him right! Trying to save me and whatnot. The only boy I would allow to save me is someone who can stand up to my man voice. Not one yet. And besides, boys get scared and men do not. Too bad no men come searching through the forrest....

"Father, is that you?"

"Yes, my little girl. Your lucky, they gave me a free piece of bread today. Oh and deary, start the stew. That's a girls job."

"Yes, father."

His bag is set on the table and I get to work. I cut the carrots and celery. Broil the noodles. Cook the beef. The bread I bake in the oven. Once the meal is made, I slide father's under his door.

"May I have the free piece of bread?"

"This time, little girl," he mutters. I take my food to the table, and feed Molly the Mouse a bite. I butter my bread and mix the stew. Butter is rare, and bread is even more sparse. The warm glutinous bread finds it's way to my mouth. Each bite I chew slowly, to savor the flavor.

Father's dishes find there way to the sink, and I start scrubbing. I hear a voice, most likely a little boy.

"Anyone up there? Helloooo?"

Father comes to the window.

"GET OUT YOU SAVAGE LITTLE BOY!! OR I WILL EAT YOUR ORGANS FOR DESSERT LIKE I DID YOUR BROTHER," he says with his usual evil and condescending voice. The boy must have seen father, for he ran screaming.

"Little boys. Even worse than little girls," he speaks under his breath. I keep my head down and dry the dishes with a towl.

"Oh my deary little girl,come to your father."

I shudder and make my way to the couch.

"Tonight, you will be a good little girl, won't you?" His sly grin makes me gag on the inside. Not tonight, I want to beg. I want to make my plan tonight.

"Yes, father. I am feeling rather tired. Would it be alright if a took a little nap?"

He snarls and grunts.


"Yes father."

He slams the cards onto the table.

"I WON!! I won you little girl! I WON FAIR AND SQUARE!!"

I try to sniffle my tears down. Whenever he screams my insides go cold and freeze up. I, obviously won, but father 'wins' every time.

"Yes father, you won."

"Good, little girl. Now you may go to bed after you clean this mess up."

"Yes father."

I shuffle the deck and slide them into there case. The lights are switched off, and I finally find comfort in my bed. My notebook is filled with ideas of escape, and I carefully read every one.

'When father is out and in the town, use the latch on the window to escape. Cut some of your hair and lock it under your bedroom door so he won't suspect a thing. He goes right into town, so go left.'

I grin when I read it, realizing father will go into town tomorrow, not just the market. I grab the scissors from my desk, and set them at my nightstand. I pack a small bag to bring along with me.

"I'm going to town, little girl. Stay in your room and count how many different trees we're used for things in your room."

"Yes father."

Once he's out of sight, I dash to my bedroom and chop off a chunk of hair. I place it under the door and snatch my bag. I open the latch, make it town the tower, and run.

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