
Write a poem forgiving someone who hurt you or your character.

To My Rapist

In all honestly, i never thought i would have been making this poem.

This poem of forgiveness for what you did to me...

You scarred me for life and i honestly still think about that day a lot.

You wanna know the crazy part, its been over 2 years and i still am hurt by what you did.

That day, oh that day is one day i would love to forget.

You took a part of me that i am slowly getting back but it tears me up inside how much mercy i gave you.

What tears me up the most is how you didnt give a damn about how i felt.

You didnt think about the aftermath of the situation.

I gave you control over me for so long ...

I wasn't myself for a while and even tried to pretend like i was myself.

A good actor is what i am because i can show you happiness if i want even if im dying inside...

Everyone thought i was fine but inside was a broken person.

I have gotten to the point where i can love myself for me without thinking about what i've been through.

In all actuality, i realize that i am the strong person i am today because of what i have been through.

It has made me love who i am because what i have been through does not define me and i dont let it either.

So, i forgive you ... i really do from the bottom of my heart and i pray for you.

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