Never Dying Blossoms

A little girl ran as fast as she could, following her mother through the misty woods.

“Mummy?” She called, stopping for a breath. The woman was fast, gliding across the ground, the mist parting in advance.

“Yes, my dear?” Her mother stopped moving, the mist curling around the hem of her skirt, yet she didn’t turn around

“Where are you going?” Her voice was innocent.

So innocent the woman in the white gown finally turned around to face her little girl. In the woods glow, the girls tan skin matched to almost the exact colour of her hair. Her pink dress contrasted both colours, yet brought out her peircing green eyes.

“I have to go away, my sugar” She placed a hand on her soft cheek.

The girls eyes welled with tears “But, bu- but why?” She let the water slip down her cheeks.

Her mothers heart wrenched at the sight of her girl hurt. “One day, you’ll understand”

Her soft voice seemed to float through the air, leaving marks on every single one of the rickety, jagged trees. They seemed to be on her side, moving - just like the mist - to make her path more clear, almost as if she was controlling them, but she wasn’t. They were doing it out of their own will, to help her. Guide her.

The older woman reached behind the girl, to a tree full of warm coloured blossoms and snapped a branch off. Handing it to her daughter, she said “This is me. And you’re about to see why” She placed a kiss on her brow, before winking and turning away

The girl stood, looking intently at her mothers long brown hair. It parted in half, the wind seemingly moving it to rest on both shoulders. From there, the woman lifted off the ground, parts of her dissolving into little blossoms, replicating the ones the girl was holding. She kept moving, transforming into the same flowers on that branch.

Finally, all that was left was a gale of yellow and pink flowers. They worked together to form a figure. Words flowed from their direction “My heart, I’ll love you till those flowers drop” And with that, the flowered human form dispersed and left the little girl, tears streaming down her red cheeks. She looked down to the simple branch in her hands. It had taken on a new light, a glow, shimmering as if they would last forever.

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