I once told her that she couldn’t keep going as it was I told her that if she wanted, she needed to change her ways She threw that right back at me I knew I had to change too And so we stepped into the dawn, forever changed Together We weren’t sure what the future held for us But because we were different, Because we had found the right way of living We were going to live forever Forever changed
“Shwsh shwshhhh”
The trees talked to eachother. She could hear them but not make out what they said. But then one day
“It has to happen”
Confused, she kept walking, wanting to find out more.
“Are you sure it was today?”
Tired of only hearing ‘today’ she tried to gain more information about it. But that was impossible
“Are you ready?”
“For today? Of course”
Now, fed up, she shouted out “What is happening today?!”
The trees fell silent. The leaves sat still.
“Will any one of you tell me what is going on?!” She cried at the trees
But not a single tree made a noise. With a huff, she turned on her heel and headed out of the forest.
The trees didn’t start to talk until the girl was far gone. For they weren’t supposed to be heard. The trees whispers were confidential. And that’s how they would stay.
A boy A girl A room
You’d think that maybe this would mean something deep. Or something happy. Or maybe something dirty. Maybe something depressing, like a death or a breakup. Perhaps something beautiful.
But no. It didn’t mean anything Not to him. Not to her. Not to the room. It was nothing. Just a passing through. Suddenly the room was empty, just as the two walked past each other. But that was it. Nothing else
There was something about the Earth that made the the boy stand in awe. Something about the nature of it all. Maybe it was how the rocks of the lithosphere could be just ordinary rocks - or how they could be gemstones of many different colours. It could have been the way it’s stance was slightly tilted to one side. Twenty three point five degrees to be exact. How it could rotate continuously. And nothing could stop it. Maybe the power of just being in the universe. Perhaps it was how it could hold so many people and so much weight, yet float. Whatever it was, the earth baffled him.
There was something about the ocean that entranced her. Maybe it was shimmer it gave off in the sunlight. Or the way it was so deep and so wide. The blue, the grey, and the green. All the different colours. How the waves as they broke and returned back to themselves. It could have been the way the foam washed onto the shore. The rough sand under light treading feet. Or the cool breeze that blows softly every now and then. The whiff of salty scent that passes by. Perhaps it was the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, or the squawking of seagulls gliding through the air. Nobody knew what it was, but water hypnotised her
There was something about fire that mesmerised him. Maybe it was the entrancing flicker. Or how it danced in the dark. Maybe how it would suddenly go out. It could be the way it provided warmth and light. Possibly the popping and crackling sound, or the scent it gave off. Perhaps it was the way the orange, red and yellow blended together. It may be that little bit of blue or sometimes green. For all one knows it could have been the chaos it caused when it touched something. Whatever it was, fire hypnotised him.
Are you flying? Or rather falling?
You can’t tell in the moment
Because falling feels like flying until the moment you land
That hurts
The moment you hit the ground hurts
Like a real pain
A pain that doesn’t seem to cease for a while
For ages actully
Bones snap in half
Like a heart that’s been broken
Muscles cramp and throb at the same time
It just hurts
But for that little while
That tiny speck of a moment
You were flying
Free flying
Or free falling?
Stuck on the inside. Running head first into the glass. The barrier separating me from the outside world. There’s no other way out. I can see the other side but i just can’t quite reach it. It’s as they say “so close, yet so far” It’s so close I can almost touch it. I could if it weren’t for what’s holding me back. I can’t seem to find another way so I’m just going to keep going straight ahead. Straight into that barrier. Stuck
Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen. Or watch for that matter
Boy dancers. They get bullied. So so much. We get called names like “simp” or “gay” or “Girly”. We get told things like “You’re so weird” and “Dancing is a girl thing” or “Be more manly”
Everyone automatically assumes that because we grew up dancing with so many females we’re petty and weak and that crap.
But really, male dancers are some of the fittest and strongest, most manly people you could get. We have to lift and carry human beings, while we spin, holding them above our heads.
We have to jump higher and way more times than basketballsers ever have or will.
I just don’t understand. If people weren’t so quick to judge maybe they’d see that what they think is wrong. That we’re not who everyone says we are. Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen.