You are out walking when you see a person sitting alone on a bench under a Willow tree, crying. Write a poem about them.

This could be written as though you are observing the person but not interacting, or as though you have approached the person and offered to help.

Weeping By The Willow

The weeping willow shades your tears,

Why do they fall so heavily?

Why do your heaves drown out the sighs of the leaves above you?

Who hurt you, lonely stranger?

The willow drinks your tears in solidarity; it seems her words aren’t reaching you.

So she turns to taking in your sadness through her roots, turning sorrow to sustenance

See, the willow is not a solitary tree.

She may weep, but she knows to hold you through her tears

I see her branches brush against your shoulder,

I hear her leaves whisper soothing coos to you through the wind

But, it seems to be in a language you can’t understand

The cadence of the clouds

The rolling, howling wind

Chattering leaves and accented rumbling roots…

Could I translate for you?

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