The Escape Plan

As I paste in my prison like room,I decided I needed to be able to defend myself. In case that jerk came back! To take advantage of me again.

I found a pistol in a closet. I was so glad I knew how to shoot a gun. It was my lucky day. The pistol was already loaded.

I told myself I will be ready this time. If he decides to come back. He will not catch me by surprise again! I will be the one to surprise him this time.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps close to my door. I got ready. I took the safety off the pistol. Positioned it in my hands. So I would be ready to pull the trigger.

The door opened. And I was about to pull the trigger. When I heard a familiar voice. He said drop the gun! I’m here for you!

It took me a second to figure out who is speaking to me. But I did freeze. Then I realize it was Josh. My boyfriend. He had come to rescue me.

And I did drop the gun. And ran into his arms. Tears filling my eyes. Josh how did you know I was here?

That doesn’t matter right now Babe. I just need to get you out of hear. And with that, we quickly and quietly escape from my kidnappers house.

I stepped out into the sunlight. In to freedom and safety.

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