
“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Say something. Why wouldn’t you just tell me. All I asked is that you tell me. That’s all I fucking wanted. You lied to me!”

“I-I didn’t lie.”

“What do you mean you didn’t lie? How could you possibly feel like you didn’t lie to me? How? HOW!”

“I mean I just didn-“

“Exactly! You didn’t fucking tell me. That’s omission. Omission is a lie. They’re fucking synonymous. You don’t get that?”

“I mean I just know y-“

“What you knew I would blow up? So, that’s why you decided to hide it from me for months? MONTHS? And even worst tell me there was nothing to worry about; nothing was going to happen. That I could fucking trust you. I just…”

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t wanna hear a sorry ass apology. You should have never done it, and then you did it and hide it from me FOR MONTHS; you had me thinking I was being crazy. That I didn’t see the signs. That I didn’t see how loose you were getting… I…”


“I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t do it to hurt you.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I swear I didn’t”

“Did you even think about it at all?”

“Honestly… no”

“And that’s the fucking problem. You don’t think about anything you do before you do it. You never consider the consequences your actions have for you or for others.”

“I know baby, I’m gonna do better. I-“

“I don’t want to hear it. This was your last chance. I told you to never lie to me. To tell me if you ever decided or thought to do this. And I was extremely serious. I trusted you. I gave you my trust and so much more that you NEVER DESERVED!”

“Baby! No!”

“I’m done here. I will be back with the police to help you get your things if you are not gone by the end of the day. Good-bye”

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