Submitted by Maranda Quinn

Beneath the Surface

Write a poem with this theme in mind.


Everyone‘s just jumping on my history train

Even if they don’t want to know my past pain

Walst there still taping on the window pain

Everyone‘s just putting shame on my name

Well you need to know my name before you

Start putting me to shame I dident ask you to

Know me I dident beg on your front step unlike

Some people I see you every night wanting to

Put up a fight even though every time I know

I‘m right every ones just chanting fight fight

Fight I know right I dident want to put up a fight

Your just trying to make drama cause your

Unpopular and I’m not I’m just hot woah why

Are you trying so hard your not going to

Blow me away whoah your just saying i‘m

Strange cause I changed from likening you

To makeing you eat my words plus by the

Way your talking bout myths all the time I hear

You ringing my ear talking myths like boy sports

Like football rugby boxing and even more that I

Watch on the to I hear your myths ringing in my ears

Talking about how no one is even your just

Trying to to fit in well guess what I’m fed up

With boy sports I’ve finally hit the naughts with

Your stupid boy sports what you think cause you

Have short hair taller and different gender that we

Can only do what you say hey I dident ask it to be

This way through me out there and I swear I‘ll

Play I beleieve in Aliens in her spaceships and Bigfoot

Hideing in the woods myths but I don’t belevieve you

And I never will you try again and I’ll go out for the

Kill then I’ll need to take a chill pill

Like you can say something you can’t think of nothing

Else part from your self man that’s serious bad for

Your mental health plus your self I watched you

Try to play netball it’s like a horror movie in the makeing

And mate I’m taken you be careful or I’ll rip of your skin

And then you don’t need to go vegan and I’ll rip out

Your throat let’s take a vote so you can’t talk about myths

I‘ve hit my Stifts and you’ll never get a kiss now I’m done

Hun but keep my warning p.s if I ever played rugby I’d

Bite of your ear in the skrum

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