Why Did You Lure Her To Me?

(Continuation of the hand dragger—part 2)

The handragger (HD) gazed curiously at its piece of food. It nervously yet excitedly dung it’s claw into its thin hands. It was looking forward to the boy’s answers.

The boy relaxed slightly, his crush must have quite the meal for the HD. The HD didn’t even move or aggressively scream in its face. Despite its youthful appearance, it behaved like an elderly person.

‘She sacrificed her life to save mine.’ he sadly whispered, but in his eyes, animal joy raced through them.

Don’t get me wrong, he was sadden by the girl’s death, but not too sad, to wish he had replaced himself with her.

‘Go on…’ the HD curiously asked, as he focused his full attention on the boy.

Insane Laughter spilled out of the boy, as he clutched his sides.

‘She was soo STUPID! This is what rose-tinted glasses does to you!!! After all I did!! She still blindly followed me!’


The hand dragger was chasing them. The girl squeezed at the boy’s hand—she knew she was about to die, but damn at least she fulfilled a wish from her bucket list. Hold Alan’s hand. Her hands felt warm, even in the piercing wind and the icy-cold rain

Even though her hand was steady, the boy’s hand trembled violently like an earthquake. He could barely contain his frozen, huffed breaths.

‘You go left. I go right.’ The boy barely managed to say

The girl sweetly smiled at him, she always understood deep down, the double meaning of those words.

On the left, the HD’s footprints could be found. He would be luring her to it, but she wanted to have faith in his morality.

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