Mr. Simple

Mr. Simple is rumored to roam around the outskirts of London. Many adventurers coming into the city report hearing his steps; a faint tss, tss, tss usually complimented by a hard clanking of something unrecognizable. Many don’t know what he truly looks like, but most seem to report the figure seeming almost uncomfortably unhuman… yet human at the same time. Something birthed right out of the uncanny valley. It’s said to have round, bulging eyes, something like a fly would have, no human. Some even say it has an open gap where there was once a nose— but now is left empty mysteriously. One of the best investigators in the whole of the United Kingdom, Ruffeel Goodman, was sent to find this figure. Goodman had first assumed it was a devious prank being pulled off by someone who was odd in the head, until reports of deaths around the figure’s many spottings had be filed. What is this… figure? Can Goodman, the best of the best, find out himself?

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