Your character is going to recieve some huge news. Write a story with clear foreshadowing in the lead-up to the pivotal reveal.

Plan ahead! Foreshadowing may allow your readers to guess what might be about to happen, or to look back and see clues they missed along the way.


Shuffling through a darkened void of memories, a light appears as a breath of passage through this cavern of dreams. From a pupil spec appears a grande looking glass bursting the reflections of gas and stars, gifting me with a full bodied euphoria. An orgasmic vibration shakes as I lift my arm to feel such beauty that quickly fades as I flex my fingers. This beautiful high, now replaced by a dying itch to caress the star burst mirror, calls for me. Not a name, but a feeling that will carry me peace. As the light bleaches my surroundings and the memory of feeling fades, my balance gives as a force pulls me towards my fate.


Chasing death.

Chasing lights.

Comments 1

This was beautiful!