Subtmitted by Hollow Oaks

A girl who was raised in an all-female society goes out to see the rest of the world.

Someone Different

February 17th. That was the day I saw him. The first time I saw him.

A person, but with short hair. Different clothes.

"What is that?"

"A boy, I think."

"He's... well."


"No," I pause, "he's beautiful. In a different way than us."

I stand there staring. _How could I have gone all my life never seeing or knowing this creature. _

"We need to go, Claire."

"Just one more minute."

"No. There's nothing to look at anyway."

She takes my arm and pulls me away as I try to catch one last glance at the boy.



"I know I was the one who wanted to go, but we can't just stand there and stare!"

I blushed and tried to change the topic.

"Could I make dinner tonight? I know mom needs a break, and you... well you don't like to cook."

"Sure but that's not the point."

I widen my smile and walk to the kitchen as she rolls her eyes.

I think I'll make pasta. Probably penne with a pinkish sauce. Mom hates just plain red sauce, so I get to work. I put everything in a blender to make it creamy, adding tomato's, garlic, italian seasoning, salt, pepper, sour cream, and another unnamed seasoning that we always add to a pasta sauce. I pour it all in a small pot and mix in some sliced green onions and some chicken from the freezer.

"This is delicious, Melanie!"

"Thanks mom," I reply with a mouthful of food and a huge grin on my face.

"What did you girls do today?"

I look at my sister and she looks at me. We need a cover story. So I say,

"A whole bunch of nothing."

"I, went to the store," she says glaring at me.

"What did you get?"

"Nothing. Just to get a little walk in"

I giggle because Marley never goes on walks for fun. Mom has a questioning look but doesn't say any more.

"Will you go to work tomorrow?"

"Yes, I didn't finish everything I needed to. Maybe you girls could hang out with on of your friends or something. I just hate leaving you here all alone."

"But Mom, it's not like anything's going to happen. We know everyone in town and have robber systems or whatever." Marley complains.

Her face softens and she starts working on the dishes. I think about that boy again, and I realize that I want to see another human that isn't a girl or woman. I will go there again tomorrow.

I watch his movements, folding clothes as he puts them in a basket. I am in awe as what must be an older version of him comes into the room and says something to make the boy laugh. It's truly a beautiful sight. And no one here can stop me from watching.

He opens and book and writes something on a piece of paper. He does this over and over again, but it doesn’t bore me.

When he finally puts the pencil and book down, he seems more relaxed. I smile to myself, but then he looks in my direction. He squints and then our eyes meet. He has a weird look on his face, but waves towards me. I quickly turn around, calmly step away from the spot I was sitting in, and run.

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