Bruised Passports

Write a poem about travelling using this title.

Bruised Passports

Hey, its been a while since we talked

I began to wonder

If you weren’t receiving my calls

Or just couldn’t be bothered to pick up

Its okay though,

I get it

Life up there is busy,


The city air clouds your mind so,

I understand there is no time

For petty inconveniences,


Anyways, i got some new shoes

Yeah, i finally threw the old ones out

4 long years but, i needed a change

I bought a sparkling pair of green nikes

Not exactly my style but,



Thats what you always say at least

Ill send you a picture of them

They’re a but ripped, i know

I’ve been walking a lot

In my spare time

I’m practicing so that

Maybe one day

I can walk 1629 miles

And what a wonderful day that would be


Once upon a time I wanted to fly

But my wings were cut off

By overdue bank loans

And declining job offers

Why is the world against the idea of Us?

> February 24, 2020

> Dylan

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