dear _____ (insert name here)
I’m beginning to worry about You. You havent written me any letters back. maybe You just arent getting them, probably an issue at the post office. when we last spoke, You said some worrisome things. You know i care about You, right? I dont know what im saying, just; please understand this: tomorrow, and every day after, hundreds of new songs will come out free for You to indulge in to find comfort in. tomorrow, and every day after, the sun will rise and You will be given the opportunity to be Your best self. tomorrow, and every day after, You will wake up from a night of dreams feeling rested. tomorrow, and every day after, You can look up at the night sky feel the endless possibilities rushing through Your veins. tomorrow, and every day after, You can have a cup of coffee, better than any You’ve had before. last but certainly not least; tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity, my love; You will wake up, in my loving embrace, showered by love, feeling the warmth of my heart surrounding You.
please, write back soon ♡ -_______(insert name here)
i start my day with a cup if coffee
no different than you
i will dread getting out of bed but
once i do i feel amazing
on my way up, maybe ill grab a cookie
grab a bite
im feeling risky today
but life with me is like
biting into that chocolate chip cookie
only to realize it is actually an oatmeal raison
and you dont feel lied to
you just feel hurt for believing it was anything but bitter
im not the best at first dates.
they make me feel like white sox
or more specifically you; every baseball fan
when they threw the world series.
my life could have been so easy.
but i bit into an apple
only to realize it was poisoned
and that was the moment
that i truly knew i was a man.
Hey, its been a while since we talked
I began to wonder
If you weren’t receiving my calls
Or just couldn’t be bothered to pick up
Its okay though,
I get it
Life up there is busy,
The city air clouds your mind so,
I understand there is no time
For petty inconveniences,
Anyways, i got some new shoes
Yeah, i finally threw the old ones out
4 long years but, i needed a change
I bought a sparkling pair of green nikes
Not exactly my style but,
Whatever, Right?
Thats what you always say at least
Ill send you a picture of them
They’re a but ripped, i know
I’ve been walking a lot
In my spare time
I’m practicing so that
Maybe one day
I can walk 1629 miles
And what a wonderful day that would be
Once upon a time I wanted to fly
But my wings were cut off
By overdue bank loans
And declining job offers
Why is the world against the idea of Us?
February 24, 2020