Hand To God

Ext. Forest edge - Dusk

THREE college age hikers walk along a tree line in the middle of nowhere. JESSICA walks with a small limp and a bandage around her calf. The tree line goes as far as they can see, and the forest never seems to end within. On the other side, a large open field leading to nowhere.

JACK walks holding a map that he keeps flipping around.


Hold on a sec guys.

Jessica and FRANK stop and watch Jack read the map. Jessica sits down as soon as she gets the chance, her back is to the neverending forest. Jack continues to point around and wuietly mumbles to himself. He finally points towards the open field.


Is that north?

Jesscia stares off towards the field, the sun has nearly set behind it.


Yeah I’m pretty sure.



Oh great! Then that means…

Jack continues to point towards the field with one hand and reads the map with the other. Without looking up, he slowly turns towards the forest and point into it. He looks up and his jaw drops. In the siatnce of the forest, a small light can be seen.




In the distance of the forest, a masked man holding a hatchet and a small lantern watches the three hikers.


Well if we have any hope of making it back tonight then it’s this way.


No come on man lets just camp out, we’ll try again in the morning.

Jessica opens her bandage to reveal a bad gash. She changes the bloody bandage out for a clean one.


I don’t think Jess can wait that long.

Franks lowers his head and closes his eyes.



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck



Frank raises his head once more and takes a deep breath.


That’s more like it! Let’s get a move on.

Frank and Jack both help Jess off the ground, they each step into the forest. First Jack, then Jessica and then… Frank?

Frank looks deep into the forest and sees the small flicker of the lantern, it just as quickly dissapears.


Uh guys!

He tried to call to his friends but they’re already deep in the forest. How’d they get that far?

Frank runs to catch up with them, but with every step he takes, they seem to be hetting farther away. Finally, they’re completley out of view, and Frank is left alone.


A branch cramcs behind him, he quickly turns! Nothing…


Another from the opposite direction! He spinds once more but sees nothing still.


More more MORE! They’re all around him! There’s no escaping it! Frank wraps himslef in the gfetal position on the ground, he covers his ears with his hands and slams his eyes shut.

Just as the cracks get to their peak they… stop? Frank slowly opens his eyes and looks around him. The sun now shines through the tops of the trees. The forest is so thick, he’s unable to see the sky.

Franks stands and looks around the forest, he can see an unfolded map pinned to a tree in the far distance.


How is it…?

Frank walks towards the map in the tree, it’s pinned to the bark with a hatchet that still drips blood…

On the map, circled in blood is a small lake. Next to the lake is an arrow pointing deeper into the forest. Frank looks around him once more and then follows the bloody arrow.

He comes upon a lake about 50 yards across at its longest point. On the opposite side of the lake, stands the masked man, holding a hatchet in one hand… and a head in another.

Frank notices the man and tries to see what he’s holding. The man can’t wait to show him, he throws the head across the lake, and it lands beside Frank. The head lands perfectly to stare up at Frank. It’s Jack…

Frank screams and falls to the ground. He scrambles to his feet and runs in the opposite direction. The man across the lake has dissapeared.

Frank runs into the forest but is stopped when the masked man walks out from behind a tree, blocking his path.

Frank diverts and runs in another direction, at this point he’s lost where he came from and where he’s going.

In the distance, he can see an open area. Freedom!Frank passes another tree on the way and the masked man steps out once again, this time though, Frank runs right into him, causing Frank to fall at his feet.

Frank looks up and sees the masked mans silhouette in the clear sky. Next to Frank, is Jessicas dead body, with no head attached.




The masked man raises his bloody hatchet high above him, and slams it straight into Frank.

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