Of Course

I grit my teeth and take a sharp breath in as I look at the clock once again. 8:35. I need to leave for work by 8:45 to make it on time. I can’t be late again. I managed to get ready for work without them but I there’s no way I can drive if I don’t find what I need. I glance around my bedroom searching for clues. Where could I have left them? I drop to my knees and put my nose to the floor as I squint around as I search underneath my bed. Could they have fallen down there?

Above my head, I hear my husband stir. I feel guilty that I woke him up so early as he works late nights. He peers down from the bed onto my crouched figure and sighs. “Honey, did you lose your glasses again?”

I groaned as I stood up. “Yes, I can’t remember where I left them! I’m going to be late to work again and this time I may end up being fired.” I squint again as I search my nightstand and under my blankets. “You haven’t seen them, have you?”

I may not be able to see my husband’s facial expression but I can imagine what he’s doing right now. Rolling his eyes with annoyance, yet with fondness for me at the same time. “Did you check the bathroom? Or the kitchen?”

I run into the bathroom as I call out, “I’ve already checked the entire house! But I can’t find them anywhere, I swear it’s like they’ve disappeared!” I run back into the bedroom as I feel my heart start to pound with anxiety. I seriously cannot afford to lose this job. I glance at my watch again. 8:42. There’s no way I’ll make it on time at this point.

My husband suddenly laughs which sends a flash of irritation through my entire body. “What in the world is so funny?” I hiss.

“Babe. They’re on your head. You probably put them up when you were fixing your makeup.”

I instantly reached up and felt joy flood through my entire being and I pulled my glasses down and pushed them onto my face. “Baby, you’re a lifesaver. I owe you big time! Have a nice day, I’ll see you later.” I give him a quick peck on the lips and run out the door.

I’ll make sure to check my body first next time. At least I won’t lose my job today.

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