Whispered Secrets

"Samantha?" I whispered into the quiet darkness. "Are you still up?" My heart beat wildly beneath my breast as I waited for a response, but only the steady sound of restful slumber could be heard. With a soft sigh, I lifted to my elbows to peer at the slow rise and fall beneath the blankets. Asleep then. I lay back down beside my best friend of twelve years, anxiously battling myself within my own mind, wondering if I was making the right choice. I took a few deep breaths, trying my hardest to calm my nerves. What I want to say could completely alter the course of our entire friendship, and I'm not ready to know what may happen. Sam had just gotten her first boyfriend, so was I really wiling to risk her happiness for my own? But the agony of not telling her is starting to eat me up inside, and I just don't think I can hold it in any longer. So with a deep breath, I whisper "I love you" into the darkness. When there is still no response, I breath a sigh of what may be relief and turn to face the other way to attempt sleep for the night. I didn't notice that the breathing from the other side of the bed had gone still.

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