As I Walked Into The Room

I saw you standing there

And from that moment I felt your eyes shining at mine

I felt the unfamiliar magnetism pulling me towards you

I saw nothing else

And as the crowd mingled and laughed

I was pleased to find you staring

I simply did not care

Tall handsome and artistic

With a touch of bad boy you smiled

And to follow this meeting there we stood

Embarking on a dangerous daydream a time of flirtation and slow deep hugs

I would see you each Friday now

Just dropping in as I knew you would be there

I know they felt it too

The partner and his assistant

And because we had business in our path now

My husband had to hear my frivolous laugh

When we talked on the phone

To you

Ten years my junior

Connected to someone else

Maybe you saw me as a buddy

I was in fact becoming someone else………./

diana emerson


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